Welcome to Cottonwood OBGYN! We feel privileged to be here with you for this journey.
Obstetrics Procedures and Services Offered
- Infertility diagnosis and treatment
- Pre-pregnancy counseling
- Comprehensive pregnancy care for routine and high-risk pregnancies and deliveries
- In-office early ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy
- Comprehensive second-trimester ultrasound
- Laboratory testing and prenatal screening
- Vaginal and cesarean deliveries,
- Postpartum care
- Post-partum tubal ligations
- Contraception and family planning

Frequently Asked Questions
What will my first visit consist of?
At your first appointment, your doctor will get to know you better by taking a comprehensive history. The appointment will also include a physical exam, usually including a pelvic exam. If appropriate, a pap smear will also be performed. An ultrasound will be performed to confirm your due date and you will have blood tests done for routine prenatal testing. Your doctor may perform additional testing based on your personal history. This is a good time to ask questions about the beginning of pregnancy and what to expect. Your doctor will discuss labor and birth preferences with you as your pregnancy progresses.
How many ultrasounds will I have?
If possible, an ultrasound will be performed at your first visit to confirm your due date. You will then have a comprehensive ultrasound between 18-20 weeks to look at your baby’s anatomy, screen your baby for birth defects, and ensure proper growth. Most of the time the ultrasound technician will be able to tell you if your baby is a boy or a girl. Additional ultrasounds may be performed later in the pregnancy if medically necessary.
What screening tests are available for my baby?
An ultrasound will be performed at 18-20 weeks for screening purposes. Other non-invasive blood tests (first-trimester screen, quadruple marker screen, and cell-free DNA tests) are available to look for certain chromosomal abnormalities; these are available to all women, but especially recommended for women over the age of 35. Invasive testing (CVS and amniocentesis) is also available. You will need to check with your insurance for coverage of the various tests. Please refer to the ACOG pamphlets for more detailed information:
Screening for Birth Defects.
What other tests will be performed during my pregnancy?
At 28 weeks you will be tested for gestational diabetes with glucose tolerance test, and have a blood test to rule out anemia by looking at your hematocrit. Please refer to the ACOG pamphlet on
Diabetes and Pregnancy for further information. At 35-37 weeks a vaginal/rectal culture will be done to screen for vaginal group B streptococcus infection. For more information refer to the ACOG brochure,
Group B Streptococcus in Pregnancy.t
Who will deliver my baby?
Our doctors truly enjoy getting to know their patients throughout the pregnancy and want to be there for the birth of your child. Although we strive to deliver as many of our own patients as possible, your birth may be attended by anyone of
our 7 doctors. All are board-certified obstetricians and have a long history of providing excellent care. On average, our doctors deliver approximately 80% of their own patients.
Can I exercise during pregnancy?
For most women, exercise during pregnancy is safe and encouraged. You may find a significant decrease in your energy level during the first trimester, but usually, your energy level will start to improve during the second trimester, making exercise a little more doable. Please talk to your doctor about whether exercise is safe for you and refer to the ACOG pamphlet on
Exercise in Pregnancy for more information.
Of course, your doctor will be happy to discuss these questions with you and any other questions as they arise. Please refer to the website for the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for other frequently asked questions.
Here is form to fill out some pregnancy basics.