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Pregnancy and Traveling

Traveling during pregnancy is generally safe.

Are you heading over the river and through the woods this holiday season? This is great information for you!

As long as your pregnancy is uncomplicated. If your pregnancy has had some complications it is better to play it safe and stay home. If you are going to travel we recommend completing your travel before 36 weeks (1 month before your due date).

Make sure you get up, walk, and stretch your legs frequently during travel to avoid DVT (deep venous thrombosis or blood clots in the veins of your legs). One main thing to consider is purchasing travel insurance in case you have to cancel your trip due to complications of pregnancy.

Travel can often be uncomfortable while pregnant, so do what you can to stay as comfortable as possible:

  • Plan frequent rest breaks.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Consider a support belt.
  • Consider compression stockings.
  • Travel with your over-the-counter medications (stool softeners, hemorrhoid cream, Tylenol).
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

Zika virus alone is still a concern for travel before and during pregnancy. Zika virus is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes that can cause serious birth defects in your baby. You can look on the CDC website ( for a map of areas with Zika virus and other information on possible diseases and areas that need to be avoided. Try and avoid vacationing to places on the Zike virus map. It is better to play it safe. If you do travel to an area with Zika virus, you should let your doctor know so you can have the appropriate testing.

Travel by cruise ship during pregnancy is often very limited by the cruise line. Make sure to check the cruise line’s policy before booking a cruise.

One main thing to remember is that every pregnancy is unique, so please talk to your doctor before you plan any trips to ensure it’s safe for you and your baby.

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