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Why is my doctor running late?

I would bet almost every one of you has had to wait for your doctor at some point. Am I right?

Why do we sometimes run late?

Babies are the most common reason, since they have a habit of coming in their own time.

But there are other reasons your doctor may not see you on time. An OB/gyn is unique in that we have scheduled clinic patients while also being responsible for women in labor, women who come in to the ER with emergencies like hemorrhage, acute pain, etc., and patients currently admitted to the hospital such as for complications of pregnancy, postpartum care, or postoperative care.

Clinic can offer an additional unpredictable element as sometimes patients schedule an appointment for one reason and end up with other needs. For example, a woman may come for a quick routine 12 week pregnancy visit and find that instead, she is having a miscarriage. These delicate issues require extra time and care and sometimes we may need to have an uncomplicated patient wait longer, so we can spend some extra time with the patient who needs us at that moment. The physicians at Cottonwood LOVE our patients. We respect you and your time and are so grateful for your understanding when you are asked to wait longer than is convenient. Know that in your time of need, we will be there for you as well.

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